The Grands Sites Occitanie / Sud de France (Top Occitania sites) a unique collection with exceptional sites. In all, the best of our heritage, our landscapes and hospitality. Welcome to the emotion of the Occitania “Grand Sites”!remarquables.

40 sites with the Grands Sites Occitania South of France label. Auch belongs to this collection since 2008.
The Grands sites Occitanie close to Auch
Marciac, the jazz destination

An hour’s drive from Auch, Marciac is a bastide, a town founded in the late 12th century, in the heart of Gascony. From late July to mid-August Jazz in Marciac Festival hosts the biggest musicians on the planet and attracts 250,000 audience members.
More information : Tourist office of coeur sudouest
Armagnac Abbey and county : a mass of mildness

45 mn’s drive from Auch, in north-west Gers, sail on the Baïse river and enjoy the biggest town of this area : Condom.
More information : Tourist office of Tenareze
Toulouse takes you high

Less than an hour’s drive from Auch, Toulouse welcomes you to its orange brick with red and pink shades. An unexpected heritage, bucket list for Air and space lovers and sporty city, that is the heart of the Occitanie region.
More information : Tourist office of Toulouse
Moissac, a gourmet reputation

About 1h20 from Auch, well known as a stage of the Santiago de Compostela routes (Puy trail), Moissac is a major site for Romanesque art in France. Appreciate the landscapes where AOP Chasselas de Moissac vineyards reign supreme.
More information : Tourist office of Moissac
Lourdes, spiritual, cosmopolitan and unique !

1h30 from Auch, Lourdes is a little Pyrenean town that has become one of the biggest pilgrimage sites in the world.
More information : Tourist office of Lourdes
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